Wednesday, November 29, 2006

I won't add any commentary, just present for your perusal

TechDirt has a posting about our most famous local home, Monticello, and their view on intellectual property.

Take a read...

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

A pretty cool podcast

I wanted to share a wonderful podcast I've been listening to for a while. Coverville plays a wide variety of interesting covers, from Prince to Nirvana to Air Supply- He does themed shows, request shows, and shows that are random combinations of covers. Give it a chance and I think you'll like it. You can also find it in iTunes, but you don't have to have an iPod to listen to it.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

CNN Can't make up their mind

I took this screenshot from CNN's homepage today. It made me laugh...which is it?

Friday, June 30, 2006

Train Concert Review

The wife and I caught Train and Anna Nalick at the C'ville pavilion last night, a show which I enjoyed more than I had expected. I am not a diehard fan of Train, but enjoy some of their music, and not count myself among a fan of their live performances. A quick review:

- Anna Nalick opened, starting at about 7:45 and playing an eight or nine song set. I had heard a few of her songs before, and thought she performed well on stage. She was warm and welcoming with the crowd, which was milling around aimlessly, as is typical during an opening act. She told a few anecdotes regarding a couple of her songs, which helped personalize the show a bit. The crowd really liked her performance of "Breathe," which is currently her most popular song. Her voice is strong, but I think her stage presence could use a little work- Perhaps it is the reverse megaphone effect of the pavilion, but from section 201 she looked miniature.

- To the guy wearing the "Wide Open Cycles" t-shirt: The t-shirt you were wearing, is not appropriate for a venue with kids- Honestly, I'm not sure where your t-shirt would be appropriate. Appropriateness aside, thank you for make us laugh. By us, I of course, mean the entire 200 section of the Charlottesville pavilion. You're burning wit, and apparent negotiation skills somehow wore pavilion security down enough to allow you to continue to stand directly in front of me. When the security women comes to ask you to move, she does not want your drunk, stinky breath anywhere near her face, ear, or any other body part. She wants you to move. When she tells you the aisle is for walking, she doesn't mean for you to stand in place directly in front of me and walk in place.

- Train took the stage shortly before 9, and played for over an hour and a half. They touched on all their hits including Meet Virginia, Drops of Jupiter, and Calling All Angels. Overall the acoustics were quite good- there is a fair amount of background noise from the nearby road, but bearable overall. The weather was nice, even a bit chilly by the end of the show, which made the experience even more pleasant. The lead singer Pat, is quite charismatic and quickly won over the crowd. On two occasions he brought audience members on the stage- Once a 8 year old girl, who was absolutely terrified, and another time a twenty something fan that was a little awestruck. Train kept the energy up throughout the set, and near the end of their set brought Anna Nalick on stage for a cover of Wild Horses by Rolling Stones. The harmony between Anna and Pat was quite nice, and I think they did justice to a quite legendary song.

- Why do audiences go absolutely nuts at the slightest mention of the name of their city, state or region of the country? I understand local pride, but I honestly don't think Train (or any other band that comes through) gives a damn what town they are in- They go to sleep in one and wake up in another. Add the song "Meet Virginia" in the mix, and you have half a dozen incidents of the band using pseudo-local pride to rile the audience. I'm not judging, just observing.

- To the guy about to beat your girlfriend on the way out of the show: You're a jackass, and I truly hope you get what is coming to you. It is not OK to verbally abuse your girlfriend/wife ever, but especially at a concert- I could see the look in your eye- if all the people weren't around you would have swung at her. Pick on someone your own size and gender- I think you'll find your beer infused courage lacking. And ya, it was my group that gave the cops a heads up about you- I hope they made your night miserable.

Friday, June 09, 2006

We return from the dead...

It has been almost 6 weeks since I have updated, and I promise I have a good excuse- Alison and I are settled in our new place now, with some pictures to come this weekend. We have been working hard to make it feel like home, and it is beginning to get there.

If you haven't been reading about how to NOT steal a T-Mobile sidekick, you have to catch up. The short and sweet of it is someone stole this guys sidekick in NYC, and has been using it. He knows what they look like (because they took pictures of themselves), knows there screen name on AIM, and knows vaguely where they live- All he wants is his phone back, but it has turned into quite the situation.

Also, if you don't have much to do this weekend The Jefferson Theater is closing for rennovations and everything is $1! The movies showing are Ghostbusters, Fargo, and Groundhog Day-- Go and enjoy!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

C'ville dining round-up

Being new to the area, one of the things I have looked forward to is trying some of the eateries around town. I got a chance to eat out around town a few times in the past week..a quick review of a few of the spots:

  • The Shebeen: I've been here a few times now. Strongly recommended- A great atmosphere, with an extremely interesting menu. Some of the items may look a little exotic, but being adventurous pays off here. Try the Shepard's Pie, or the Poki-Pot (misspelled, I'm sure!).
  • Bodo's Bagels: What can I say that hasn't already been said. Best bagels and bagel sandwiches, period.
  • Bizou: Did both lunch and dinner here, and greatly enjoyed both. If you want to stay safe, go for the meatloaf- It's quite good, but it isn't your mama's. For dinner I had a vegetarian burito that was truly awesome. It had great combination of flavors and textures that satisfied three other people I was dining with. Highly recommended, and fair prices.
  • Riverside Lunch: Awesome gut bomber. 'Nuff said.
  • Wolfie's Barbeque: I have to say I was disappointed in Wolfie's. I am always on the search for a *great* barbeque place, and this isn't it. The food was oversalted, the selection was meek, and the beer list was very limited. In my opinion, it is very hard to make excellent BBQ, but not terribly difficult to make it okay. Wolfie's barely gets an OK in my book; I don't think I'll be going back. Anyone have a suggestion for me?
  • The Creperie on Water St (I forget the name): Good quick snack- Go for the three ingredient option, instead of two- makes for a better flavor. Haven't had the desert crepes yet, but I look forward to it.

Till next time...

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Juvenille Courthouse Collapses!

Around noon today the side of this building collapsed! This is just next door to WillowTree's office! The construction crews are working on building a parking garage here, but I think that may be on hold for a while. The whole side is missing, and it looks like there is signifigant damage inside. The building was empty, and it appears no one was hurt!

A couple more pictures are online here...

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

In the world of user submitted content, you might end up owning youself...

I don't watch the Apprentice, but it looks like Chevy is having a contest involving the apprentice where users can create their own on-line advertisements. Sounds like a decent enough idea, right? Well, it is, until someone makes an ad that makes fun of Chevy. As we say in the online world: Chevy, you have been owned. (by yourself!)

And in other news, I patented respiration...

So it appears Google has filed for three patents related to offering free or reduced wireless Internet access. The patent system has been out of control for a while now- With Microsoft patenting things like double clicking, and Amazon patenting one click buying. I completely understand the need for intelectual property protection, but I really don't think that our patent system was designed to handle the technology of the 21st century.

The Patent and Trademark office is under a lot of pressure to reform how so-called "method patents" are reviewed and granted. Likewise, they are under a lot of pressure from software companies to grant them. Ultimately the courts get involved, and lots of money changes hands.

I don't know what the answer is, I'm just asking the questions...It's up to you to answer.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Why do people do this?

This is *clearly* a Honda Accord with BMW badges. No one is fooled, except perhaps, his owner. My question is simple: Why?

They may be taking over the world, but they have much to learn..

Google's own blog is reporting that for a short time on March 27, 2006 their Offical Blog was unavailable, and another blog was appear in it spot. I guess it goes to show that even at $375/share, anyone can make mistakes.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Asking to be rear-ended...

Saw the below this morning while walking to Fuel Co...

I have never understood why people choose to express their philosophy on their bumper. I find it even harder to understand why someone would take the time to cut and paste the above dig at our fair state.

Since this is kind of weak on content, I submit the following: In 1953, Virginia Governor John Battle tried, unsuccessfully, to change the Commonwealth's motto from "sic semper tyrannis" to "Ol' Ginny Gonna Get Ya!". I think we should reintroduce it :)

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Breaking News! Drunk People Found In Texas Bar!

It would appear that the great state of Texas has been able to satisfy its quota for filling jails with petty criminals. As such, according to Reuters, they have begun stings INSIDE BARS to arrest people for public intoxication.

Come on now people- Claiming that being drunk in a bar is "public intoxication" is a BIG stretch. Civil liberties just aren't what they used to be...When did it become the role of government to protect people from themselves??

Alright, rant over :)

Ruminations on crazy signs on Park St

Now, I am new to the Charlottesville area, a transplant from Orlando, FL with a mere 2.5 months under my belt in our fair city. I have to say, overwhelmingly, I am very much enjoying Cville, but there has been one thing that has bothered me each day on my way to work...

I work on Park St, near High St, and I drive down Park each day to get to the office. And each day, I drive by this:

Now, I am about the strongest advocate of the freedom of speech you'll find, and I respect the homeowners right to do this, but I beesech you: WHY? What purpose are these signs serving, what point is being made? If you are going to have signs like this, at least have a call to action! As a note, the big headstone looking sign seems to be permanent, while the smaller Irish sign made an appearance before St. Pattys day and is still hanging around. I have half a mind to drop a minature American flag and a bouqet of flowers off one morning...

Some will draw a parallel between blogging and placing signange in your front yard- While I tip my hat to the different forms of expression, my blog isn't sitting in my front yard! Clearly the homeowners are unhappy- my question is- Why not move?

Just my $0.02...

Monday, March 20, 2006

That's Mr. Nutkins to you...

Get your squirrel name here...

I'm "Nutty Nutkins" and Alison is "Professor Out of Their Tree"...

I know you were wondering, so Harvey is "Chief McBush" and Beo is "Doctor Nutless" (no pun intended!)

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Unloading round 1 is done...

The above was a piece of temepered glass that served as a desktop. It is now a million pices of tempered glass that will serve as a paperwright. This is the biggest casuality of the first leg of our move. Alison was scratched, but is OK :)

Thanks to M&M for their help, and to Tux-Cat:

Sorry for the crappy pictures...all were taken with my phone :)

You can see a couple more here, on flickr.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

The loading is complete...and we made it to Cville.

Harvey was very confused about the activities in our house on Sunday...we managed to fit everything, except our bikes, in the truck. We left Orlando at about 7:45 on Tuesday, and made it to C'ville at about 9pm. I have to say, driving a truck for 13 hours is overrated. More info to follow on the move and the unloading...Stay tuned!

Thanks again to Ashley Josh, and Carl for their help with the move. And check back for my rant on garage sales later.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

T-Minus One Month, and a happy birthday!

Stopped by the new place today and took some pictures - It is coming along. The cabinets are all about done, and we have some hardwood installed. As you can see from the picture, it is also painted on the front. The back isn't done yet, but I imagine it will be soon. We're still on for closing on April 4, so we're almost there! Alison and I are driving a truck on next week with all of our stuff- so keep us in your thoughts.

Happy Birthday to Shyam. I miss you buddy, and hope to see you soon!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

I don't even know what to say....

I would write something, but I can' think of anything, at all, to say. Have a good night.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

We have cabinets!

Still some sketchy guy in the TV room :)

Stopped by the new house today..we have kitchen cabinets...well, sort of. You can see from the pictures I took today that some of the cabinets are in...Also our deck is done, and we have some marble around the fireplace. Light on the pictures today because not to much new to show.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Inspection went well, and finally, some snow!

Just a quick update that the house inspection went well! So we are good to go on the sale of house! Closing March 17...Also, I got to see my actual first real snowfall- A little over an inch this morning and last night. I saw some snow last week, but it was already on the ground when I got back from FL. Here's a peek out my window...starting to melt already though...

Monday, February 20, 2006

Beer for your dog?

If you're reading this, you probably know that I'm as big a fan of a nice cold beer than the next guy, but this is a little over the edge. The Dog Star Brewing Company has launched their "Happy Tail Ale" for dogs. Now, its non-alcoholic, but beef flavored...ugh. A six pack is $9.99, but shipping and handling brings it to $25!! Well, Harvey won't be partaking for now...

More progress on the house

The house is coming along quite nicely :) Stopped by today to check on some things and took a couple of update pictues...The one to the right here is some sketchy guy (that looks a lot like Michael) "working" on the bonus room :) We now have tile in the bathrooms and flooring in the kitchen. Click here to see some more pictures from today, and if you missed the ones from last week, you can see them here. Enjoy, and let us know what you think!

Saturday, February 18, 2006

The New House!

Good news! We will be closing on our new C'ville house on April 4!! So very exciting, however the daunting thought of schlepping our stuff 1200 miles is not so exciting. None the less, we shall soon be settled in Melbourne Park and the coolest house in the world :)

Cross your fingers that our sale in Orlando goes through as planned :)

Monday, February 13, 2006

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day! Just a note to the world to make sure Alison knows how much I love her :)



Snow Feb 11 2006 004
Originally uploaded by jconley1980.

Finally, Virginia distinguishes itself from Florida with some of the white stuff. I missed falling of the snow itself, but it is still around today! Its very cool. And yes, I hit Michael with this snowball :)

Also, a picture of me with our sign from our office, also in the snow :) Anyone need email archiving?

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Watch out!

Originally uploaded by jconley1980.
Harvey, all dressed up for Halloween is gonna get ya! Doesn't he look scary!

So, if you steal a car in SoCal, hide it under an overpass

Police in LA are using GPS equipped darts to track cars that try to escape pursiut. The idea is good; avoiding high speed chases, but the logic seems somewhat lacking. I guess this will probably not help World's Wildest Police Videos get new footage that isn't from 1994. Sigh...back to Cops on Court TV again...

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

A 'Wicked' Cool NYC Trip

New York Feb 2006 002
Originally uploaded by jconley1980.
Alison and I made it a weekend in NYC with friends, family, and a musical (oh my!). We saw 'Wicked', which we both highly recommend- The set was amazing, the music was great, and we overall had a wonderful weekend :) Mucho thanks to the Smith family for their wonderful and thoughtful wedding gift from

Stay tuned for updates on our move, our new house, and Alison's graduation!

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Melbourne Park, coming along...

Originally uploaded by jconley1980.
Well, I made it over to take some pictures of the new house today- Its come a long way since the last time. They say we will be in around early April- Take a look- Let us know what you think!