Friday, June 09, 2006

We return from the dead...

It has been almost 6 weeks since I have updated, and I promise I have a good excuse- Alison and I are settled in our new place now, with some pictures to come this weekend. We have been working hard to make it feel like home, and it is beginning to get there.

If you haven't been reading about how to NOT steal a T-Mobile sidekick, you have to catch up. The short and sweet of it is someone stole this guys sidekick in NYC, and has been using it. He knows what they look like (because they took pictures of themselves), knows there screen name on AIM, and knows vaguely where they live- All he wants is his phone back, but it has turned into quite the situation.

Also, if you don't have much to do this weekend The Jefferson Theater is closing for rennovations and everything is $1! The movies showing are Ghostbusters, Fargo, and Groundhog Day-- Go and enjoy!

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