Thursday, March 30, 2006

Juvenille Courthouse Collapses!

Around noon today the side of this building collapsed! This is just next door to WillowTree's office! The construction crews are working on building a parking garage here, but I think that may be on hold for a while. The whole side is missing, and it looks like there is signifigant damage inside. The building was empty, and it appears no one was hurt!

A couple more pictures are online here...

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

In the world of user submitted content, you might end up owning youself...

I don't watch the Apprentice, but it looks like Chevy is having a contest involving the apprentice where users can create their own on-line advertisements. Sounds like a decent enough idea, right? Well, it is, until someone makes an ad that makes fun of Chevy. As we say in the online world: Chevy, you have been owned. (by yourself!)

And in other news, I patented respiration...

So it appears Google has filed for three patents related to offering free or reduced wireless Internet access. The patent system has been out of control for a while now- With Microsoft patenting things like double clicking, and Amazon patenting one click buying. I completely understand the need for intelectual property protection, but I really don't think that our patent system was designed to handle the technology of the 21st century.

The Patent and Trademark office is under a lot of pressure to reform how so-called "method patents" are reviewed and granted. Likewise, they are under a lot of pressure from software companies to grant them. Ultimately the courts get involved, and lots of money changes hands.

I don't know what the answer is, I'm just asking the questions...It's up to you to answer.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Why do people do this?

This is *clearly* a Honda Accord with BMW badges. No one is fooled, except perhaps, his owner. My question is simple: Why?

They may be taking over the world, but they have much to learn..

Google's own blog is reporting that for a short time on March 27, 2006 their Offical Blog was unavailable, and another blog was appear in it spot. I guess it goes to show that even at $375/share, anyone can make mistakes.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Asking to be rear-ended...

Saw the below this morning while walking to Fuel Co...

I have never understood why people choose to express their philosophy on their bumper. I find it even harder to understand why someone would take the time to cut and paste the above dig at our fair state.

Since this is kind of weak on content, I submit the following: In 1953, Virginia Governor John Battle tried, unsuccessfully, to change the Commonwealth's motto from "sic semper tyrannis" to "Ol' Ginny Gonna Get Ya!". I think we should reintroduce it :)

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Breaking News! Drunk People Found In Texas Bar!

It would appear that the great state of Texas has been able to satisfy its quota for filling jails with petty criminals. As such, according to Reuters, they have begun stings INSIDE BARS to arrest people for public intoxication.

Come on now people- Claiming that being drunk in a bar is "public intoxication" is a BIG stretch. Civil liberties just aren't what they used to be...When did it become the role of government to protect people from themselves??

Alright, rant over :)

Ruminations on crazy signs on Park St

Now, I am new to the Charlottesville area, a transplant from Orlando, FL with a mere 2.5 months under my belt in our fair city. I have to say, overwhelmingly, I am very much enjoying Cville, but there has been one thing that has bothered me each day on my way to work...

I work on Park St, near High St, and I drive down Park each day to get to the office. And each day, I drive by this:

Now, I am about the strongest advocate of the freedom of speech you'll find, and I respect the homeowners right to do this, but I beesech you: WHY? What purpose are these signs serving, what point is being made? If you are going to have signs like this, at least have a call to action! As a note, the big headstone looking sign seems to be permanent, while the smaller Irish sign made an appearance before St. Pattys day and is still hanging around. I have half a mind to drop a minature American flag and a bouqet of flowers off one morning...

Some will draw a parallel between blogging and placing signange in your front yard- While I tip my hat to the different forms of expression, my blog isn't sitting in my front yard! Clearly the homeowners are unhappy- my question is- Why not move?

Just my $0.02...

Monday, March 20, 2006

That's Mr. Nutkins to you...

Get your squirrel name here...

I'm "Nutty Nutkins" and Alison is "Professor Out of Their Tree"...

I know you were wondering, so Harvey is "Chief McBush" and Beo is "Doctor Nutless" (no pun intended!)

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Unloading round 1 is done...

The above was a piece of temepered glass that served as a desktop. It is now a million pices of tempered glass that will serve as a paperwright. This is the biggest casuality of the first leg of our move. Alison was scratched, but is OK :)

Thanks to M&M for their help, and to Tux-Cat:

Sorry for the crappy pictures...all were taken with my phone :)

You can see a couple more here, on flickr.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

The loading is complete...and we made it to Cville.

Harvey was very confused about the activities in our house on Sunday...we managed to fit everything, except our bikes, in the truck. We left Orlando at about 7:45 on Tuesday, and made it to C'ville at about 9pm. I have to say, driving a truck for 13 hours is overrated. More info to follow on the move and the unloading...Stay tuned!

Thanks again to Ashley Josh, and Carl for their help with the move. And check back for my rant on garage sales later.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

T-Minus One Month, and a happy birthday!

Stopped by the new place today and took some pictures - It is coming along. The cabinets are all about done, and we have some hardwood installed. As you can see from the picture, it is also painted on the front. The back isn't done yet, but I imagine it will be soon. We're still on for closing on April 4, so we're almost there! Alison and I are driving a truck on next week with all of our stuff- so keep us in your thoughts.

Happy Birthday to Shyam. I miss you buddy, and hope to see you soon!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

I don't even know what to say....

I would write something, but I can' think of anything, at all, to say. Have a good night.