I work on Park St, near High St, and I drive down Park each day to get to the office. And each day, I drive by this:

Now, I am about the strongest advocate of the freedom of speech you'll find, and I respect the homeowners right to do this, but I beesech you: WHY? What purpose are these signs serving, what point is being made? If you are going to have signs like this, at least have a call to action! As a note, the big headstone looking sign seems to be permanent, while the smaller Irish sign made an appearance before St. Pattys day and is still hanging around. I have half a mind to drop a minature American flag and a bouqet of flowers off one morning...
Some will draw a parallel between blogging and placing signange in your front yard- While I tip my hat to the different forms of expression, my blog isn't sitting in my front yard! Clearly the homeowners are unhappy- my question is- Why not move?
Just my $0.02...
First, welcome to the Ville! We're glad to have you. Check out either the Hook or Cville Weekly on the Meadowcreek Parkway and the endless discussions on it. That should give you the background on the tombstone.
I'll have to take a read...
What happened to the days when ornery old men just said things like "Get off my lawn you damn kids!!!" :)
I guess I shouldnt' complain then eh?
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